Covenant is a congregation affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and locally affiliated with the Central Florida Presbytery. Click here to read a summary of the PCA’s theological beliefs.

We are a community committed to seeing the Gospel being deeply rooted in people’s lives and producing significant growth in grace.


What does that look like practically? Our expectation of worship is meet with God and experience His joy by being rooted in the Scriptures and ancient traditions of the Church, utilizing the creeds, liturgy, and hymns of the centuries expressed in our cultural context. We come to the communion table weekly to feast on the Gospel through faith in a way that no other element of the service quite matches.


Both inside and outside our church building walls, we are a family who struggles, who are tired and wounded, yet who find refreshment and renewal in this Gospel. It is important to us that we foster a safe place where life’s difficult questions are addressed with humility and honesty. Thus, skeptics, strugglers, and seekers are expected and welcomed among us. In short, weirdos welcome.


Care and ministry to Oviedo and surrounding community is important to us. We strive to see that our neighbors are known and embraced, and that their needs are recognized and served to the best of our abilities. Whether it is through organized efforts such as our Spring Fling or Vacation Bible School, or through the sacred ministry of loving our neighbors, we want to be a beacon of light for this area, not just on Sunday mornings, but in all of our comings and goings throughout the week, reflecting how we have been loved deeply and profoundly by our Heavenly Father.

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